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Jeong Hyeon

Jeong Hyeon

Drawing on my experience consulting for over 500+ companies in both online and offline SEO, marketing, and project management, I offer valuable insights that can drive your business success.

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Meta(페이스북, 인스타그램) 광고 요령 이것보다 꼼꼼하게 분석한 내용 있나요?

💡 * 캠페인, 제품, 광고 시기, 예산, 제품 등 다양한 이유로 결과를 달라질 수 있기 때문에 참고 자료로만 사용하시기 바랍니다. ✔️테스트 *총 3번의 테스트로 진행되었습니다. Meta(페이스북) 광고 테스트 A: 광고 최적화 첫걸음 Meta(페이스북) 광고 테스트 B: 광고 최적화는 가능한가? Meta(페이스북) 광고 테스트 C: A / B 테스트 믿지 마세요. 🅰️결론 Meta(캠페인)은 모바일 친화적인 서비스(제품) 의 경우 가장 극적인 효과를 예상할 수 있습니다. ‘광고 최적화’  작업은 광고를 기준으로   진행해 보시기 바랍니다. A/B 테스트 결과 에서 나오는 ‘신뢰도’  기준으로 파악하기 보단 실제 광고 경험 및 수치를 보고 광고 운영 을 하시기 바랍니다. 초기 광고 영역 세팅 에서 가장 우수한 광고 소재 및 형식을 모른다면 광고 세트 2개, 광고 3개 이상 ~ 6개 이하로 세팅 해보시기 바랍니다. CTR 종류가 다르다는 것 알고 있으신가요? 이미지의 CPC도 가장 비쌀 수 있다! 다양한 디자인, 제품을 한번에 보여줄 수 있는 광고 형식(디자인) 을 사용해 보시기 바랍니다. 광고 성과 수치를 높이기 위해서는 가장 좋은 방법은 ‘광고’를 OFF하는 것보단 ‘광고 세트’ 에서 OFF를 하는 것이 더욱 효율적 이며 운영 관리를 위해서는 ‘광고’를 OFF하는 방법도 좋은 방법 입니다. 광고 노출 위치는 되도록 ‘수동 노출위치’ 보단 ‘어드밴티지+노출위치’를 사용 하시기 바랍니다. ❓서론? Meta(페이스북) 에서 ‘광고’  진행하다 보면 광고를 많이 만들어야 더 좋은 성과를 가져온다는 이야기를 들어 보셨을 것입니다. 실제 ‘광고 세트’ 에서 만들 수 있는 최대 ‘광고’ 의 수는 광고 세트 당 최대 50개 까지 사용할 수 있습니다. 그렇다면 하나의 광고 세트에 ‘광고’를 50개 만들어야 가장 좋은 효과를 볼 수 있을까요? Meta(페이스북)에서는 광고 성과를 위해 광고 수를 6가지 이하로 유지하는 것 을 권장 하고 있습니다. 명확한 개수는 알려주고 있지 않지만 기본적으로 광고 수는 6개 이하로 세팅을 권장하며, 그 이상의 광고 수부터는 오히려 차이가 미미하다고 알려주고 있습니다. 위에 대한 내용을 기반으로 정말 광고 ‘크리에이티브(광고) 수’에 차이를 두어 진행하는 경우 어느 정도 차이가 발생될 수 있는지 테스트를 진행 해 보았습니다. 또한 결과를 바탕으로 연관된 부분에 대한 변수에 대해서도 테스트 및 분석해 보았으니 메타(페이스북) 광고를 운영하시는 분이라면 참고해 보시기 바랍니다. 💻결론 자세히 보기! 1. Meta(캠페인)은 모바일 친화적인 서비스(제품)의 경우 가장 극적인 효과를 예상 할 수 있습니다. 노출 기기 모바일 데스크 노출 위치 Audience Network네이티브, 배너 및 전면 광고 Audience Network보상형 동영상 Facebook 프로필 피드 Facebook 릴스 Facebook 스토리 Facebook 피드 Facebook 인스트림 동영상 Facebook 검색 결과 Facebook 피드: 동영상 피드 Instagram 둘러보기/탐색 탭 Instagram 탐색 홈 Instagram 릴스 Instagram 스토리 Instagram 피드 Messenger 받은 메시지함 Facebook 피드 Facebook인스트림 동영상 Facebook 오른쪽 칼럼 Instagram 스토리 Instagram 피드 합계 15 5 위 표는 노출 위치 별 노출 기기로 구분해 보았습니다. 각 광고 형식(이미지, 동영상)에 따라 노출 위치, 노출 기기가 변경하기에 차이가 발생하겠지만 그럼에도 불구하고 압도적으로 모바일이 많은 것을 확인 할 수 있습니다. 현재까지 진행한 테스트 결과를 보면 ‘노출 기기’ 별로 분석하면 스마트 폰에서 최소 80% 이상의 수치가 노출 되는 것을 확인할 수 있었습니다. 이러한 데이터 및 정보를 기반으로 Meta에서 운영되는 광고를 통해 특정 행위 또는 웹 사이트 방문 고객은 자연스럽게 모바일을 통해 제품(서비스)에 방문하는 것을 예측해 볼 수 있습니다. 여러분들의 제품(서비스)은 모바일에 친화적인 서비스를 운영하고 있으신가요?  만약 답변이 “No” 라면 Meta(페이스북)광고가 정말 필요한지 한번 고민해 보시는 것 은 어떨까요? (‘전화’와 같은 기능도 광고에서 적극적으로 운영해 보시기 바랍니다.) 고가의 제품 또는 정보를 제공하는 서비스의 경우 주로 모바일 보단 PC에서 전환이 발생되는 경우가 많기 때문에 이러한 경우 판매 캠페인 보단 트랙픽, 인지도 캠페인을 사용 제품에 대한 문의가 많은 제품(서비스)의 경우 전화 기능을 적극 활용 이커머스 서비스의 경우 랜딩 페이지를 모바일에서 바로 구매 가능한 결제 기능을 세팅한 페이지로 세팅 모바일에 최적화 UX, UI를 제작한 별도 랜딩 페이지 활용 2 . ‘광고 최적화’ 작업은 광고를 기준으로 진행해 보시기 바랍니다. 여러분들은 메타에서 광고를 운영하면서 최적화를 위한 작업을 언제까지 진행하시나요? 만족스러운 수치가 나올 때까지 광고 최적화를 진행하실까요? 아니면 최적화를 어떻게 해야할지 몰라 별도로 진행하지 않으실까요? 만약 명확한 기준이 없으시다면 광고 최적화는 ‘광고’를 기준으로 진행해 보시면 어떨까요? 캠페인 성과(CTR(전체)) 컬렉션 CTR(전체) 컬렉션 CPC(전체) 우수 광고 소재 테스트 A 캠페인 1.44% 2.65% RM 0.99 컬렉션 테스트 B 캠페인 2.24% 2.72% RM 0.82 컬렉션 테스트 C 캠페인 2.23% 2.55% RM 0.86 컬렉션 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 광고 최적화 작업은 캠페인 광고 세트 세팅 변경, 텍스트 변경, 연령 변경 등 을 통해 최적화 작업을 진행하였고 결국 ‘테스트 B 캠페인’, ‘테스트 C 캠페인’에서 ‘테스트 A 캠페인’보다 더욱 좋은 결과를 얻을 수 있었습니다. 다만 이러한 세팅에도 불구하고 실제 해당 광고의 성과 수치의 큰 변화는 없는 것을 확인 하였고 이러한 테스트 결과를 기반으로 보아 특정 캠페인 또는 광고 세트의 성과 증가는 광고 변화의 영향이 크며 이후 세팅에 따른 광고 성과는 영향이 적은 것을 알 수 있었습니다. 이를 바탕으로 최적화 작업의 목표를 가장 ‘우수 광고 수치’로 잡으신다면 ‘단순 예상 수치’가 아닌 구체화되고 명확한 수치를 기준으로 운영하실 수 있게 될 수 있다고 판단 됩니다. CTR(전체) CPC(전체) 테스트 D: 캠페인 (어드밴테이지+노출위치)_컬렉션 광고 1개 세팅 2.44% RM 1.24 테스트 D: 캠페인 (수동 노출위치)_컬렉션 광고 1개 세팅 1.44% RM 2.00 테스트 E: 캠페인 (어드밴테이지+노출위치)_이미지 광고 1개 세팅 0.50% RM 1.70 테스트 E: 캠페인 (수동 노출위치)_이미지 광고 1개 세팅 0.47% RM 1.62 단 위 데이터와 같이  ‘광고 세트’에서 ‘어드밴테이지’ 기능 여부, ‘광고 수’에 따른 성과 차이는 발생 될 수 있기 때문에 최적화 작업 이전 필히 해당 기능에 따른 성과 차이 분석이 필요 하다고 생각됩니다. 3.A/B 테스트 결과 에서 나오는 ‘신뢰도’  기준으로 파악하기 보단 실제 광고 경험 및 수치를 보고 광고 운영 을 하시기 바랍니다. 이번 테스트 과정에서는 테스트 진행 과정에서 ‘A/B 테스트’를 총 3번 진행되었습니다. 결과로 86%(테스트 A), 86%(테스트 B), 87%(테스트 C)의 높은 신뢰도를 확인할 수 있었습니다. 하지만 모든 부분을 동일하게 세팅한 ‘테스트 B’와 ‘테스트 C’에서  서로 반대되는 결과가 나타났습니다. 물론 다양한 이유로 인해 이러한 결과가 나올 수 있겠지만 놀랍게도 전체적으로 광고의  수치적인 부분은 비슷하게 나왔습니다. 대표적으로 ‘결과 당 비용’, ‘우수한 광고 CTR’과 ‘우수하지 못한 광고 CTR’ 이 각각 ‘0.01RM(한국 돈 3원)’, ‘0.06%’ 차이 가 발생되었으며 반대로 우수하지 않다고 판단된 경우에는 ‘1.93%’로 동일 한 수치를 확인 할 수 있습니다. 이러한 ‘A/B 테스트’ 결과에서도 볼 수 있듯이 ‘A/B 테스트’의 자료는 참고 자료로서 광고 관리자에서 수치 분석과 함께 분석하는 것이 필요하다는 것 을 확인할 수 있습니다. 4.초기 광고 영역 세팅 에서 가장 우수한 광고 소재 및 형식을 모른다면 광고 세트 2개, 광고 3개 이상 ~ 6개 이하로 세팅 해보시기 바랍니다. Meta(페이스북) 광고를 진행하실 때 한 ‘광고 세트’에서 ‘ 광고’는 1개에서 최대 50개 까지 만들 수 있지만  Meta(페이스북)에서는 6개 이하의 광고 세팅을 권장 하고 있습니다. 그 이유는 Meta(Facebook) 광고 성과 최적화 방식인 ‘머신 러닝’ 에서 너무 많은 광고를 게재하는 경우 개별 광고 게재 빈도가 줄어들고 성과 최적화를 위한 예산이 더 많이 지출 이 되기 때문입니다. 위 정보를 기준으로 머신러닝의 선택의 폭을 넓히며 가장 효율적인 광고 테스트를 운영하기 위해 광고 세트 2개로 각각 광고 4개, 광고 1개씩 세팅해 보았습니다. (기타 언어, 국가별로 서로 다른 광고 세팅을 희망하는 경우에도 성과를 위해 광고 세트를 결합 후 복수 언어 기능 등을 사용하는 방식을 권장하고 있습니다.) 테스트 노출 결과 CTR(전체) CPC(전체) 테스트 A 광고 4개 세팅 33,553 658 1.95% RM 1.04 테스트 A 광고 1개 세팅 20,473 97 0.60% RM 1.34 테스트 B 광고 4개 세팅 4,743 119 2.49% RM 0.82 테스트 B 광고 1개 세팅 3,727 74 1.93% RM 1.18 테스트 C 광고 4개 세팅 4,821 93 1.93% RM 1.11 테스트 C 광고 1개 세팅 4,634 120 2.55% RM 0.86 테스트 D 광고 1개 세팅(어드밴티지+노출위치) 1,882 46 2.44% RM 1.24 테스트 D 광고 1개 세팅(수동 노출 위치) 2,013 30 1.49% RM 2.00 테스트 결과 광고 최적화 이전 진행한 ‘테스트 A’의 경우 상대적으로 낮은 CTR(전체) 이 확인되었으며 최적화 진행한 ‘테스트 B’, ‘테스트 C’, ‘테스트 D’에서의 CTR(전체)는 광고 수와 상관 없이 큰 차이를 보이지 않았습니다. 하지만 ‘테스트 D’에서의 CPC는 최적화 진행하기 이전에 진행된 ‘테스트 A’보다도 더욱 높은 비용을 지불 하고 있는 것을 볼 수 있었습니다. 특히 CTR(전체)이 비슷한 ‘테스트 B’, ‘테스트 C’의 CPC비용이 0.86, 0.82인 것과 비교하면 약 100원 이상 차이 가 발생되는 것을 볼 수 있습니다. 노출 결과 CTR(전체) CPC(전체) 테스트 A 광고 4개 세팅에서 컬렉션 22,097 595 2.65% RM 0.99 테스트 B 광고 4개 세팅에서 컬렉션 4,086 112 2.72% RM 0.82 테스트 B 광고 1개 세팅에서 컬렉션 3,727 74 1.93% RM 1.18 테스트 C 광고 4개 세팅에서 컬렉션 4,466 93 2.08% RM 1.06 테스트 C 광고 1개 세팅에서 컬렉션 4,634 120 2.55% RM 0.86 테스트 D 광고 1개 세팅에서 컬렉션(어드밴티지+노출위치) 1,882 46 2.44% RM 1.24 테스트 D 광고 1개 세팅에서 컬렉션(수동 노출 위치) 2,013 30 1.49% RM 2.00 ‘광고 세팅’에서 우수한 ‘광고’인 컬렉션을 기준으로 보면 CTR(전체) 0.2 ~ 0.3%의 차이는 발생하였지만 모두 비슷한 수치 를 가지고 있는 것을 볼 수 있었습니다. CPC(전체)와는 다르게 말이죠. 이러한 이유로 최적화된 ‘ 광고 세팅’이 가능하다면 ‘광고’를 1개만 세팅한다고 하여도 성과의 차이는 큰 차이가 없을 것으로 판단 되었습니다. 그럼에도 불구하고 이번 테스트를 통해 ‘광고 세트’ 2개, ‘광고’ 3개 이상 세팅을 권장  드리는 이유는 위 내용과 같이 머신러닝으로 CPC(전체) 차이가 발생될 수 있고, 최대한의 성과를 만들어 낼 수 있는 방법 이라고 보여지기 때문입니다. *단 많은 광고 세트는 오히려 경매 중복 을 발생시켜 성과에 악영향을 미칠 수 있습니다. 5.CTR 종류가 다르다는 것 알고 있으신가요? 분명 광고를 진행하시면 높은 클릭률, 결과 등을 보셨지만 실제 구매하거나 웹 사이트에 방문한 사람의 경우에는 유난히 적은 모습을 보신 적이 있을 것입니다. 다양한 이유가 있겠지만 그 이유는 한 사람이 여러번 클릭하는 경우에 발생하기 때문입니다. 이러한 차이를 최소화 하는 방법으로 ‘고유CTR’을 사용해 보실 수 있습니다. *Meta(페이스북)에서 구분하는 CTR 6가지 종류 CTR(전체) 총수  대비이  발생한 노출 비율 CTR(링크 클릭률) 총 노출수 대비을  받은  비율. 고유 CTR(링크 클릭률)_추산치 광고를 보고  행동을 취한의  비율. 아웃바운드 CTR(클릭률) 총 노출수 대비을  받은  비율. 고유 아웃바운드 CTR(클릭률)_추산치 광고를 보고  행동을 취한의  비율. 고유 CTR(전체)_추산치 광고를 보고  행동을 취한의  비율. 사실 메타 광고 관리자에서는 CTR이 총 6가지로 구분되어 나타내고 있습니다. 한 사람(계정)이 얼마나 많이 클릭했는지 알고 싶다면 고유 CTR(링크 클릭률), 고유 아웃바운드 CTR(클릭률) 등을 참고하여 확인해 볼 수 는 있습니다. 다만 추산치이기 때문에 무조건 적인 신뢰 보단 전반적인 흐름과 참고 자료로만 보시기 바랍니다. 6.이미지의 CPC도 가장 비쌀 수 있다! 일반적으로 CPC의 비용은 이미지가 가장 저렴한 것으로 많은 분들이 알고 있습니다. 하지만 사실 정확한 답변은 “결과에 따라 다르다”입니다. 실제 운영한 광고에서 이미지 CPC를 확인해보면 RM 1.34로 상대적으로 높은 비용이 소요된 것을 확인할 수 있었습니다. 반면 컬렉션과 영상의 경우 RM0.99, RM0.54 오히려 더 저렴한 것을 확인 되었습니다. 만약 여러분들이 광고 운영하실 때 CPC를 감안한 광고 제작을 고민하신다면 소재의 형태가 아닌 가장 최적화된 광고 제작이 가장 중요하다는 점을 확인하실 수 있습니다. 7.다양한 디자인, 제품을 한번에 보여줄 수 있는 광고 형식(디자인) 을 사용해 보시기 바랍니다. 이번 테스트의 경우 모두 동일한 이미지를 사용해 영상, 이미지, 슬라이드, 컬렉션 광고를 진행하였습니다. 하지만 3번 테스트 모두 특이하게도 컬렉션에서 유난히 높은 성과를 얻을 수 있었습니다. 물론 서비스(제품), 산업 등 여러 환경, 상황에 따라 달라질 수 있겠지만 한 번에 여러 디자인, 제품을 보여줄 수 있는 디자인 및 형식을 사용해 광고를 운영해보시면 좋은 성과를 기대해 보실 수 있지 않을까 기대해 볼 수 있을 것 같습니다. 8. 광고 성과 수치를 높이기 위해서는 가장 좋은 방법은  ‘광고’를 OFF하는 것보단 ‘광고 세트’ 에서 OFF를 하는 것이 더욱 효율적 이며 운영 관리를 위해서는 ‘광고’를 OFF하는 방법도 좋은 방법 입니다. 광고 성과 수치를 높이기 위해 특정 광고를 추가하거나 광고를 On, Off하는 방법으로 운영하시는 분들이라면 이제부턴 광고 세트를 기준으로 On, Off를 해보시기 바랍니다. 메타 광고의 경우 광고 세트를 기준으로 머신러닝이 진행되며 머신러닝 과정에서 광고 세트 안에 있는 가장 우수 광고를 찾고 집중적으로 운영됩니다. 이러한 과정에서 의도적으로 특정 광고를 끄거나 다시 추가하는 행위는 결국 머신러닝이 다시 진행되는 사유가  되어 기회비용을 다시 지출 하고 최악의 경우 최적화가 완료된 광고를 끄게 될 수 도 있습니다. 위와 같은 이유로 광고 성과를 높이는 가장 이상적인 방법으로는 광고 세트를 세팅 후에 성과가 미비한 경우(성과가 저조한 광고, 제한된 머신 러닝 광고)에만 해당 광고를 끄는 방식으로만 운영하고, 차후 새로운 광고 소재를 개발한 경우 새로운 광고 세트를 새롭게 세팅해 광고 세트 기준으로 운영하는 것이 더욱 효율적으로 운영 방법이 될 수 있습니다. 광고 세팅을 여러개 세팅 또는 운영되는 경우 지속적인 운영이 필요하기 때문에 시간 및 운영을 효율적으로 희망하시는 경우에는 ‘어드밴티지 캠페인 예산’을 사용하시면 더욱 편안한 운영도 가능합니다.(단 A/B 테스트가 불가하게 됩니다.) 9. 광고 노출 위치는 되도록 ‘수동 노출위치’ 보단 ‘어드밴티지+노출위치’를 사용 하시기 바랍니다. 총 3번의 테스트를 통해 가장 인기 있는 노출 위치를 찾고 이를 기반으로 ‘수동 노출’과 ‘어드밴티지+노출위치’ 를 사용해 노출 위치 별 테스트 진행해 보았습니다. 지금까지 모든 테스트에서 가장 인기 있던 ‘컬렉션’ 광고와 가장 성과가 낮았던 ‘이미지’ 소재를 사용 세팅해 이전 광고 결과를 기반으로 세팅해 진행되었습니다. 테스트 명 노출 결과 CTR(전체) CPC(전체) 테스트 D(컬렉션): 어드밴티지+노출위치 1,882 46 2.44% RM 1.24 테스트 D(컬렉션): 수동 노출위치 2,013 30 1.49% RM 1.93 테스트 E(이미지): 어드밴티지+노출위치 7,972 31 0.39% RM 2.19 테스트 E(이미지): 수동 노출위치 8,536 27 0.32% RM 2.40 결론적으로 말씀드리면 가장 우수한 성과를 가져오는 것은 ‘어드밴티지+노출위치’ 였습니다. 다양한 캠페인에 따라 지속적인 테스트가 필요하지며 업종, 서비스, 기타 내용에 따라 변화가 발생할 수 있지만 이번 테스트를 통해 트래픽 캠페인의 경우 ‘어드밴티지+노출위치’가 더욱 높은 성과를 가져온다는 것을 확인 할 수 있습니다. 실제 CTR(전체)의 경우 최대 1%이상  차이가 발생하였으며 CPC(전체)에서는 200원 까지도 차이가 발생하였습니다. 물론 실제 유저의 행동 분석을 통해 유의미한 특정 노출 위치를 찾고 그에 맞게 운영하는 것이 가장 중요하지만 단순 트랙픽 증가 또는 최적화 과정을 거치는 목적이라면 위와 같은 방식으로 운영해 보시기 바랍니다. [참고자료] 광고 계정당 캠페인, 광고 세트 및 광고 한도 광고 수 관리 정보 | Meta 비즈니스 지원 센터 머신 러닝 단계 정보 | Meta 비즈니스 지원 센터 머신 러닝 단계

Google, Bing … SEO 도구 이해

SEO는 디지털 마케팅의 핵심 요소로, 많은 사람들이 이를 통해 웹사이트의 가시성을 높이기 위해 다양한 기술적 고민을 하고 있습니다. 그러나 여러 도구와 전략을 시도하는 과정에서, 실제로 사용하는 도구가 얼마나 효과적으로 데이터를 추적하고 있는지에 대한 검증이 부족한 경우가 많습니다. 저 역시 이러한 문제를 직면했던 경험이 있습니다. 그러던 중, 각 도구별 인식 범위와 특징을 명확히 이해할 필요성이 느껴졌습니다. 이에 따라 이번 테스트를 진행하게 되었고, 그 결과를 블로그를 통해 공유하고자 합니다. **왜 SEO 도구의 효과적인 트래킹이 중요한가?** SEO 도구는 단순히 검색 순위를 높이는 것을 넘어, 웹사이트의 성과를 정확히 측정하고 분석하는 데 필수적입니다. 검색 엔진 최적화의 성공 여부는 결국 데이터 분석에 달려 있습니다. 따라서 각 도구가 제공하는 트래킹 기능을 명확히 이해하는 것은 효과적인 SEO 전략을 수립하는 데 중요한 첫걸음입니다. 테스트 페이지 테스트 SEO 도구 1. Google Search Console 2. Bing webmaster 3. Naver Search Advisor 테스트 진행 방법 1. 상황 설정: 각 SEO 도구가 웹사이트에 올바르게 접근하여 데이터를 인식하는지를 확인하기 위해 다양한 상황을 설정하고 테스트를 진행했습니다. 2. 유저 관리: 테스트 용 페이지에 대한 명확한 접근 유저 관리를 위해 각 도구를 사용하여 색인 요청을 진행했습니다. 추가적인 유저 방문을 제한하기 위해 별도 게시글 작성이나 추가 작업은 진행하지 않았습니다. 3. 단계적 테스트: 명확한 트래킹을 위해 하루에 한 가지 방법만을 집중적으로 테스트했습니다. 이를 통해 각 도구의 성능을 보다 정확하게 비교할 수 있었습니다. 진행 **Google 검색을 통해 접근하는 경우** 진행 방법 진행일: 10월 23일 접속 횟수: 5회 (검색 연산자 site:를 사용) Chrome 브라우저 사용 즉시 이탈을 방지하기 위해 웹 사이트 5초 이내 유지 및 이벤트 발생 **Naver 검색을 통해 접근하는 경우** 진행 방법 잔행일: 10월 16일 접속 횟수: 5회 (검색 연산자 site:를 사용) Chrome 브라우저 사용 즉시 이탈을 방지하기 위해 웹 사이트 5초 이내 유지 및 이벤트 발생 실수로 인해 총 5회 중 1회 새로고침, 크롬 주소 창에서 1회 url입력을 집적입력하여 접근 **Bing 검색을 통해 접근하는 경우** 색인 요청 및 url 제출을 완료하였지만 bing에서는 색인 및 검색 노출이 되지 않음. **Instagram을 통해 접근하는 경우** 인스타그램에 등록한 url을 통해 홈페이지 접근 따른 SEO 도구 판단 여부 파악 진행방식 진행일: 10월 17일 접속 횟수: 5회 (인스타그램 특징을 반영 주로 모바일로 접근 진행) 인스타그램 공식 계정 URL을 통해 입장 → 다시 페이지에서 나간 후 이동 다양한 변수를 확인하기 위해 해당 웹 사이트에서 5초 이내 유지 게시물 또는 댓글에서 URL 인식을 못함 Mobile을 통해 4회 접근하면 내장 브라우저로 입장 되는 것이 확인됨 PC를 통해 1회 진행 (브라우저 chrome으로 이동) 아래와 링크로 이동함 https:// **Messenger(Kakaotalk) 을 통해 접근하는 경우** 카카오톡 메신저로 공유된 url을 클릭하는 경우 진행방식 진행일: 10월 22일 접속 횟수: 5회 (메신저 특징을 반영 모바일로 접근) 다양한 변수를 확인하기 위해 해당 웹 사이트에서 5초 이내 유지 모바일을 통해 총 5회(해당 내용으로 접근하는 경우 내장 브라우저로 입장 되는 것이 확인됨) 즉시 이탈을 방지하기 위해 웹 사이트 5초 이내 유지 및 이벤트 발생 **LinkedIn을 통해 접근하는 경우** 링크드 인 댓글을 통해 입력된 링크를 클릭하는 경우 수치 파악 진행방식 진행일: 10월 18일 접속 횟수: 5회 (메신저 특징을 반영 모바일로 접근) chrome을 통해 입장 불필요한 트래픽 방지를 위해 해당 링크는 바로 삭제 즉시 이탈을 방지하기 위해 웹 사이트 5초 이내 유지 및 이벤트 발생 **Email(KaKao Mail)을 통해 접근하는 경우** 메일로 전달된 링크를 클릭하는 경우 발생되는 수치 확인 진행방식 진행일: 10월 21일 접속 횟수: 5회 (메신저 특징을 반영 모바일로 접근) chrome을 통해 입장 즉시 이탈을 방지하기 위해 웹 사이트 5초 이내 유지 및 이벤트 발생 결과 Google Search Console Bing Webmaster Naver Advisor 테스트 기간 동안 Google Search Console에서 데이터가 기록된 것은 10월 23일 하루뿐이었습니다. 이 날에는 구글 검색을 통해 총 5회의 방문이 발생했으며, 이는 한 명의 유저가 2번 방문한 경우에도 2회로 기록되는 방식으로, 유저 방문 수치를 정확하게 파악하기 어려운 점이 있었습니다. Bing Webmaster에서는 테스트 기간 동안 어떠한 데이터도 잡히지 않았습니다. 실제 검색 연산자를 통해 색인 여부를 확인해보았지만, 결과가 나타나지 않았습니다. 이는 다른 검색 엔진에 비해 더 높은 난이도와 시간이 소요된다는 것을 시사하며, 활성 유저와 콘텐츠 활동이 필수적임을 알 수 있었습니다. Naver Advisor에서는 총 테스트 기간 중 10월 16일에 트래픽이 기록되었습니다. 이 날에도 동일하게 5회의 시도를 했으나, 1회만이 잡힌 것으로 확인되었습니다. 이는 동일한 컴퓨터와 브라우저를 사용할 경우, 유저별로 방문이 체크되는 것으로 예상됩니다. 이 결과를 바탕으로, 각 검색 엔진에서 제공하는 무료 SEO 도구는 해당 검색 엔진에서 발생한 수치만 명확하게 파악할 수 있는 특징을 확인할 수 있었습니다. 이번 테스트를 통해 하나의 도구만 사용하는 것보다, 다양한 환경에서 운영되는 인기 SEO 도구들을 함께 활용하는 것이 필요하다고 생각합니다. 특히 Google의 SEO 도구는 유저 수치가 아닌 클릭 수를 기준으로 하기 때문에, 실제 유저 수는 더 적을 수 있다는 점을 항상 염두에 두어야 합니다. 반면, Naver SEO 도구는 유저 수를 보다 명확하게 파악할 수 있는 것으로 나타났습니다. 데이터 손실을 감안하더라도, 해당 도구가 보여주는 수치는 Naver 검색을 통해 방문한 유저로 예측할 수 있으며, 이는 SEO 작업에 큰 도움을 받을 수 있다고 판단됩니다. 마지막으로 다양한 플랫폼을 통해 유입되는 방문자가 많거나 유입이 유동적으로 바뀔 수 있는 환경이라면 명확한 수치를 파악하기 어려울 수 있습니다. 이러한 경우, SNS나 이메일 등을 통한 다양한 방문 유저는 UTM을 활용해 분석하는 것이 필수적이라는 것을 알 수 있었습니다.

Meta(Facebook) Test A: First Step in Ad Optimization

Checking the difference in performance from text, exposure location, and ad format* (This test continuously changed exposure location, budget, and text to identify the best-performing ads.) Popular text: "😁Find an advertising agency quickly!” Ad format: 'Collection' Exposure location: 'Audience Network' Popular text: "😁Find an advertising agency quickly!” Ad format: ' Collection' Exposure location: ' Audience Network' Ad Settings Ad (material, format) setting: Traffic 1. (Plan A) Traffic campaign_Ad format 4 (image, video, slide, collection) 2. (Plan B) Traffic campaign_Ad format 1 (image) Ad running period (April 26, 2024 ~ May 13, 2024) Setting cost: 10RM, 20RM, 60RM, etc., continuously changing Exposure location: Set to manual Audience Network after using Advantage Text 😍Find an online advertising agency quickly! ❤️Find a marketing agency quickly! 🎶Find a marketing agency quickly! 🗣Find a global marketing agency quickly! 😁Find an advertising agency quickly! Ad material Image Video Slide (created using image) Collection (set main as video, next as image) [A/B Test Result] Type Version Performance Cost per Result Result Reach Exposure Expenditure Confidence Level Traffic (A)2024-05-07| Traffic | 4 ads Win 1.219269406 219 125000 18344 267.02 MYR 86% Traffic (B) 2024-05-06| Traffic | 1 ads Lose 1.700638298 94 107000 20058 159.86 MYR 14% *The above graph is a figure obtained using the Meta (Facebook) A/B test function. A confidence level of 90% or more means statistically reliable results, and a confidence level of 65% or more means good performance. The above figure is an estimate and does not guarantee the causative result of the study. Results: 86% reliability, better for '4 advertising materials' [Comparison of Ad Sets] Ad Set Exposure Reach Link Clicks Clicks (Total) Result CTR CPC CPM (Plan A) 4 Ad Materials 33,553 16,695 658 655 658 1.95% RM1.04 RM20.35 (Plan B) 1 Ad Material 20,473 12,820 97 123 97 0.60% RM1.34 RM8.03 Results Plan A (4 Ad Materials)  has a higher CTR 1.35% compared to Plan B (1 Ad Material) Plan A (4 Ad Materials)  is 90 cents cheaper in CPC than Plan B (1 Ad Material) Plan A (4 Ad Materials)  has a CPM (Cost per 1000 exposures) 3696 KRW more expensive than Plan B (1 Ad Material) Due to the characteristics of Meta (Facebook) ads that show ads and ad sets with good efficiency, Plan A (4 Ad Materials) is considered to have been exposed relatively more. [Ad Comparison] Ad Format Exposure Reach Link Clicks Clicks (Total) Result CTR CPC CPM Video 58 57 2 2 2 3.45% RM0.54 RM18.45 Collection 22,097 9,486 595 586 595 2.65% RM0.99 RM26.15 Slide 7,077 4,874 36 37 36 0.52% RM1.59 RM8.33 Image 19 17 - - - - - RM18.42 Ad Format Exposure Reach Link Clicks Clicks (Total) Result CTR CPC CPM Image 16,667 11,086 73 93 73 0.56% RM1.29 RM7.17 Results In 'Plan A (4 Ad Materials)', exposure is focused on specific ad materials In 'Plan A (4 Ad Materials)', although the CTR is 3.45%, it is excluded because the number is too small, and the most excellent ad is the collection with a CTR of 2.65%. CPC (cheaper in order) (1) Plan A (4 Ad Materials)_Video: 0.54RM(2)  Plan A (4 Ad Materials)_Collection: 0.99RM (3)  Plan B (1 Ad Material)_Image: 1.29RM (4)  Plan A (4 Ad Materials)_Slide: 1.59RM CPM (expensive in order) (1) Plan B (1 Ad Material)_Image: 7.17RM(2)  Plan A (4 Ad Materials)_Slide: 8.33RM (3)  Plan A (4 Ad Materials)_Video: 18.45RM (4)  Plan A (4 Ad Materials)_Collection: 26.15RM 'Collection' is the most exposed (78%), followed by slide exposure (24%)  During the process, the 'Collection' ad type was focused and conducted, so the 'number of exposures' is x considering the confidence level. [Uniqueness by Text] 💡 Limitation: Since only one text can be created in the collection and slide, it was compared only in video and image. Top 3 Text "😁Find an advertising agency quickly!" Exposure 2.670 / Reach 2,204 / Link Click 26 / CTR 1.09% "🎶Find a marketing agency quickly!" Exposure 4,001 / Reach 3,265 / Link Click 14 / CTR 0.50% "❤️Find a marketing agency quickly!" Exposure 2,996 / Reach 2,589 / Link Click 11 / CTR 0.67% 1 / CTR 0.67% Results In the case of 'Text 1', although the number of exposures is relatively lower than 'Text 2', it produces higher results in CTR and link clicks. [Exposure Location] 💡 Top Position performance (Written based on results.)   Plan A_4 Ads Materials (image, video, collection, slide))  Audience Network native, banner, and full-page ads: Exposure 16,537 / Reach 7,106 / Link Click 491 Audience Network Reward Video: Exposure 5,360 / Reach 2,263 / Link Click 103 Facebook Feed (Video): Exposure 8,579 / Reach 5,046 / Link Click 43 Plan B_1 Ad Material (image) Facebook Facebook Feed: Exposure 12,718 / Reach 8,118 / Link Click 40 Audience Network (Native, Banner, and Full-Page Ads): Exposure 3,174 / Reach 1,156 / Link Click 4 Instagram Feed: Exposure 209 / Reach 140 / Link Click 20 Plan A ads (Collection) Exposure Reach Outcome CTR CPC CPM Audience Network (Native, Banner and Full screen) 16,490 7,375 491 2.93% RM0.94 RM27.53 Audience Network (Rewarded Video) 5,361 2,304 103 1.90% RM1.18 RM22.40 Plan B ads (Collection) Exposure Reach Outcome CTR CPC CPM Facebook Facebook Feed 12,718 8,118 40 0.46% RM1.39 RM6.32 Audience Network (Native, Banner and Full screen) 3,174 1,156 4 0.09% RM3.07 RM2.90 Results In case of Plan A (4 Ad Materials), results mainly occur in Audience Network , and for Plan B (1 Ad Material), results mainly occur in 'Facebook Facebook Feed'. Both are mobile apps, which is a unique point. In the case of   Plan B (1 Ad Material), the result of 20 and CTR 10% was achieved in 'Instagram Feed'.

Meta (Facebook, Instagram) Advertising Tips “Is there anything that you have analyzed more thoroughly than this (Meta Ads)?”

Meta (Facebook, Instagram) Advertising Tips “Is there anything that you have analyzed more thoroughly than this (Meta Ads)?” ✔️Test *It was conducted in a total of three tests. Meta(Facebook) Test A: First Step in Ad Optimization Meta(Facebook) Test B: Possible to optimize advertisements? Meta(Facebook) Test C: Don’t believe A/B Test 🅰️ Conclusion Meta (Campaign)  can have the most dramatic effect for mobile-friendly services (products). 'Advertising Optimization'  should be carried out based on the advertisement. Rather than relying on the 'confidence level'  from A/B test results , manage your ads based on actual advertising experience and numbers. If you're unsure of the best ad material and format during the initial ad setting , try setting up two ad sets, with three to six ads each . Do you know that different types of CTRs? The CPC of an image could be the most expensive! Try using an ad format (design) that can show various designs and products at once . The most effective way to improve ad performance is to turn 'OFF' in the 'Ad Set' rather than turning 'OFF' the 'Ad'. Turning 'OFF' the 'Ad' is also a good method for operation management. As far as possible, use 'Advantage+Exposure' instead of 'Manual Exposure'  for ad exposure locations. ❓ Curiosity? You may have heard that creating many ads in Meta (Facebook)  can yield better results. In fact, the maximum number of ads that can be created in an 'Ad Set'  is up to 50 per Ad Set . So, can we see the best results by creating 50 ads in one Ad Set? Meta (Facebook) recommends keeping the number of ads for ad performance to six or less . While an exact number is not given, it is generally recommended to set the number of ads to six or less, and any more than that would make little difference. (Meta recommend to use at least 10 ~ 20 Ads for ASC(Advantage Shopping Campaign) Based on the above, we conducted a test to see how much difference can be made if we proceed with a difference in the number of 'creative (ads)'. Also, based on the results, we tested and analyzed variables related to associated parts, so we recommend it as a reference for those who operate Meta (Facebook) ads. 💻Learn more about the conclusion! Meta (Campaign) is expected to have the most dramatic effect for mobile-friendly services (products). Exposure Device Mobile Desk Exposure Location Audience Network native, banner and full-page ads Audience Network Reward Video Facebook profile feed Facebook Reels Facebook Story Facebook Feed Facebook In-Stream Video Facebook search results Facebook Feed: Video Feed Instagram Browse/Explore Tab Instagram Explore Home Instagram Reels Instagram Story Instagram Feed Messenger Inbox Facebook Feed Facebook In-Stream Video Facebook Right Column Instagram Story Instagram Feed Total 15 5 The table above distinguishes devices by exposure location. Despite variations depending on each ad format (image, video), you can easily see that mobile is overwhelmingly dominant. [image update] Looking at the test results conducted so far, we can confirm that over 80% of the exposure occurs on smartphones when analyzed by 'exposure device'. Based on this data and information, we can predict that customers who visit through ads operated on Meta will naturally visit the product (service) via mobile. Are your products (services) operating mobile-friendly services?  If the answer is "No," why not consider whether you really need Meta (Facebook) ads? (Please actively operate features like 'Call' in your ads.) For services providing high-value products or information, use traffic and awareness campaigns instead of sales campaigns as conversions often occur on PCs rather than mobile. For products (services) that receive a lot of inquiries, actively use the call feature. For e-commerce services, set up the landing page to have a payment function that can be immediately purchased on mobile. Use separate landing pages optimized for mobile UX and UI. ‘Optimization’  try to be conducted based on the ads. How long do you work on optimization when running ads on Meta? Do you optimize ads until satisfactory figures come out? Or do you not proceed because you don't know how to optimize? If you don't have clear criteria, why not try optimizing based on the ads? Campaign Performance (CTR (Total)) Collection CTR (Total) Collection CPC (Total) Excellent Ad Material Test A Campaign 1.44% 2.65% RM 0.99 Collection Test B Campaign 2.24% 2.72% RM 0.82 Collection Test C Campaign 2.23% 2.55% RM 0.86 Collection Based on these results, the ad optimization process involved changing campaign ad set settings, changing text, changing age, etc. , and ultimately, we were able to achieve better results from the 'Test B Campaign' and 'Test C Campaign' than from the 'Test A Campaign'. However, despite these settings, we confirmed that there was no significant change in the performance metrics of the ad , and based on these test results, we found that the increase in performance of a specific campaign or ad set is largely influenced by ad changes, and the ad performance according to subsequent settings is less influential. Based on this, if you set the goal of your optimization work to the 'best ad metrics', it is judged that you can operate based on concrete and clear metrics, not 'simple expected metrics'. CTR (Total) CPC (Total) Test D: Campaign (Advantage+Exposure Position)_Single Collection Ad Setting 2.44% RM 1.24 Test D: Campaign (Manual Exposure Position)_Single Collection Ad Setting 1.44% RM 2.00 Test E: Campaign (Advantage+Exposure Position)_Single Image Ad Setting 0.50% RM 1.70 Test E: Campaign (Manual Exposure Position)_Single Image Ad Setting 0.47% RM 1.62 However, as in the above data, there can be differences in performance depending on the 'advantage' feature in the 'ad set' and the number of ads.  Therefore, I think it is necessary to analyze the differences in performance according to these features before optimization. Please operate ads based on actual ad experience and numbers,  rather than understanding the 'confidence' that comes from ‘A/B test’ results. In this test processed 3 times. As a result, we could confirm a high confidence of 86% (Test A), 86% (Test B), and 87% (Test C). However, opposite results appeared in 'Test B' between 'Test C,' where all settings were the same. Of course, there could be various reasons for these results, but surprisingly, the overall ad metrics came out similar. Specifically, the differences in 'cost per result', 'excellent ad CTR', and 'not excellent ad CTR' were '0.01RM (3 KRW)', '0.06%', and '1.93%', respectively, which was the same figure in the case judged not excellent. As can be seen in these 'A/B test' results, it is necessary to analyze the numbers in the ad manager as well as the 'A/B test' data. If you don't know the best ad material and format from Meat Business Manager , try setting 2 ad sets, 3 to 6 ads in each set. When running Meta (Facebook) ads, each ad set can contain anywhere from '1 ad to a maximum of 50 ads,' but Meta (Facebook) recommends setting 6 or fewer ads. The reason is that when too many ads are posted in Meta (Facebook)'s ad performance optimization method, ‘machine learning’ , the individual ad posting frequency decreases and more budget is spent on performance optimization. Based on the above information, I set 4 ads and 1 ads each on two ad sets to broaden the choice of machine learning and operate the most efficient ad test. (If you want to set different ads by language and country, it is recommended to combine ad sets and use multiple language functions for performance.) Test Exposure Result CTR (Total) CPC (Total) Test A 4 ad settings 33,553 658 1.95% Test A 1 ad setting 20,473 97 0.60% Test B 4 ad settings 4,743 119 2.49% Test B 1 ad setting 3,727 74 1.93% Test C 4 ad settings 4,821 93 1.93% Test C 1 ad setting 4,634 120 2.55% Test D 1 ad setting (Advantage+Exposure Position) 1,882 46 2.44% Test D 1 ad setting (Manual Exposure Position) 2,013 30 1.49% In the test results, 'Test A' conducted before ad optimization had a relatively low CTR (Total), and the CTR (Total) in optimized 'Test B', 'Test C', 'Test D' did not show a big difference regardless of the number of ads. However, the CPC in 'Test D' was paying a higher cost than 'Test A' conducted before optimization. Especially, compared to the CPC costs of 0.86 and 0.82, which have similar CTR (Total) in 'Test B' and 'Test C', a difference of about 100 KRW(KRW) can be seen. Test Exposure Result CTR (Total) CPC (Total) Collection from 4 ad settings in Test A 22,097 595 2.65% Collection from 4 ad settings in Test B 4,086 112 2.72% Collection from 1 ad setting in Test B 3,727 74 1.93% Collection from 4 ad settings in Test C 4,466 93 2.08% Collection from 1 ad setting in Test C 4,634 120 2.55% Collection from 1 ad setting in Test D (Advantage+Exposure Position) 1,882 46 2.44% Collection from 1 ad setting in Test D (Manual Exposure Position) 2,013 30 1.49% If we look at the ‘Collection’, which is the best ad in the 'ad setting,' there was a difference of 0.2 ~ 0.3% in CTR (Total), but they all had similar figures. It's different from CPC (Total). For this reason, it was judged that if an optimized 'ad setting' is possible, there would be no big difference in performance even if only one 'ad' is set. Nevertheless, we recommend setting '2 ad sets' and '3 or more ads' through this test because of the possibility that the difference in CPC (Total) can occur due to machine learning, and it appears to be the best way to achieve maximum performance. However, too many ad sets can cause auction overlap , which can slightly affect performance. Do you know that CTR types are different? You may have seen high click rates and results when running ads, but the number of people who actually buy or visit the website is unusually small. There can be various reasons, but it occurs when one person clicks multiple times. You can use 'Unique CTR' as a way to minimize this difference. 6 types of CTR distinguished by Meta (Facebook) CTR (Total) The ratio of clicks to total impressions. CTR (Link Click-Through Rate) The ratio of link clicks to total impressions. Unique CTR (Link Click-Through Rate)_Estimate The ratio of link click behavior by unique people who saw the ad. Outbound CTR (Click-Through Rate) The ratio of outbound clicks to total impressions. Unique Outbound CTR (Click-Through Rate)_Estimate The ratio of outbound click behavior by unique people who saw the ad. Unique CTR (Total)_Estimate The ratio of click behavior by unique people who saw the ad. You can check the above 6 types of CTR in the 'Performance and Clicks' column of the ad manager. Are you monitoring ads in real time? You may be monitoring ads in real time after launching the ads. However, please note that the initial data after launching the ads may not be accurate because it is in the learning phase . Therefore, it would be good to wait for at least 24 hours after the ad launch and then check the ad performance. However, if there is a critical issue in the operation of the ads, such as the ads not being exposed at all or the cost per result being too high, please check the ads immediately. Consider using ad formats (designs) that can showcase various designs and products at once. In this test, we used the same image for video, image, slide, and collection ads. Interestingly, all three tests showed significantly higher performance in the ‘Collection’ format. Of course, the results may vary depending on the service (product), industry, and various environments and situations, but it seems worth trying to operate ads using designs and formats that can showcase multiple designs and products at once to expect good results. Image CPC  can also be the most expensive! Generally, many people believe that the cost of CPC is lowest for images. However, the correct answer is actually “It depends on the results.” When checking the image CPC from actual ads, it was relatively high at RM 1.34. [image update] [image update] On the other hand, collection and video CPCs were RM0.99 and RM0.54, respectively, which were cheaper. If you are considering ad creation with CPC in mind, you will find that the most important thing is not the format of the content but the most optimized ad creation. The best way to improve ad performance metrics is to turn off ads at the ‘ad set’ level rather than turning off individual ads, which is more efficient, although  turning off individual ads is also a good method for operational management. If you operate ads by adding specific ads or turning them on and off to improve performance metrics, try turning them on and off at the ad set level from now on. In the case of Meta Ads, machine learning is performed based on the ad set, and the most excellent ad within the ad set is found and operated intensively during the machine learning process. Intentionally turning off or adding specific ads during this process can lead to additional opportunity costs and potentially turning off optimized ads. For these reasons, the most ideal way to improve ad performance is to set up ad sets and only turn off underperforming ads (low-performing ads, limited machine learning ads), and create new ad sets for new content. This is a more efficient way to operate. If multiple ad settings need to be set or operated continuously, you can use ‘Advantage Campaign Budget’ for more comfortable operation, although A/B testing will not be possible. For ad placement, use ‘Advantage+ Placement’ rather than ‘Manual Placement.’ Through three tests, we found the most popular placements and tested them using ‘Manual Placement’ and ‘Advantage+ Placement.’ Using the most popular ‘Collection’ ad and the least performing ‘Image’ content based on previous ad results, we set up and conducted the tests. Test Name Placement Result CTR (Overall) CPC (Overall) Test D (Collection): Advantage+ Placement 1,882 46 2.44% RM 1.24 Test D (Collection): Manual Placement 2,013 30 1.49% RM 1.93 Test E (Image): Advantage+ Placement 7,972 31 0.39% RM 2.19 Test E (Image): Manual Placement 8,536 27 0.32% RM 2.40 In conclusion, the most excellent performance was achieved with ‘Advantage+ Placement.’ Although continuous testing is necessary depending on the campaign, industry, service, and other factors, this test showed that ‘Advantage+ Placement’ brought higher performance for traffic campaigns. The difference in CTR (Overall) was up to 1% higher, and the CPC (Overall) was up to 200 KRW lower. While finding meaningful specific placements through actual user behavior analysis and operating accordingly is essential, if the goal is simply to increase traffic or go through the optimization process, try operating in the manner described above. 📖 Reference Campaign, ad set, and ad limits per ad account Advertising count management information Machine Learning Step Information Machine Learning Step Guide

The Relationship Between AI and SEO: How AI Impacts SEO?

How AI Is Changing the Way We Search The development of AI is significantly transforming how people search for information. In the past, users had to carefully combine specific keywords into a query and browse through multiple pages to find what they were looking for. This is why search engine optimization (SEO) and keyword selection have been so essential. However, AI-powered search systems now understand user questions more deeply and respond with contextually relevant answers, making the search process far more intuitive and efficient. Changes from the User’s Perspective The most prominent advantage of AI-based search for users is intuitive searching. Users no longer need to worry about complex keyword combinations—they can simply enter their question in natural language. The AI interprets the question and quickly provides the most relevant information, reducing the need for users to sift through multiple pages. This approach enhances the efficiency of information retrieval, which is particularly beneficial for users seeking accurate information quickly. Challenges from the Service Provider’s Perspective However, this AI-driven search approach presents new challenges for service providers, especially website operators who rely on SEO. In traditional search, even if a website didn’t appear at the very top of results, users might still visit the page and explore additional information, thus generating organic traffic. With AI, though, users are directly given the optimal answer and tend to focus only on a few key pieces of information related to their question. This can limit exposure opportunities for service providers, as AI may reduce the need for users to click through to individual websites. OpenAI and Bing’s Collaboration Integrating Bing with ChatGPT: Entering the Era of Real-Time Data As revealed at Microsoft’s 2023 Build event, Bing search functionality is now integrated directly into ChatGPT, allowing users to see Bing operating seamlessly within ChatGPT. This integration means that ChatGPT, previously limited to pre-trained data, can now access and reference real-time data to deliver more up-to-date information. Limitations of ChatGPT and the Need for Real-Time Data Until now, ChatGPT has been answering questions based on the knowledge it acquired from OpenAI’s training datasets. However, this approach had some notable limitations: 1. Temporal Constraints on Information: ChatGPT couldn’t access data beyond its set training datasets, so it lacked the ability to incorporate the latest information or rapidly changing data. This meant that answers often missed current events, breaking news, or recent technological trends. 2. Difficulty Providing Real-Time Information: Other AI tools like Perplexity and Goover AI, which emerged around the same time, quickly gained attention by utilizing search engines to gather and offer real-time data. These tools stood out because they could instantly search for and integrate up-to-date information, providing a competitive advantage. Expected Benefits of Bing Integration By incorporating Bing into ChatGPT, users can now enjoy the substantial benefit of accessing dynamically updated information through ChatGPT . This integration promises several key advantages: 1. Immediate Access to the Latest Information: ChatGPT can now search for and integrate real-time information through Bing, enabling it to answer questions based on current stock market data, the latest product reviews, newly published research findings, and more. 2. Convenience of Integrated AI-Driven Search: Users no longer need to switch to a separate search engine for answers. ChatGPT’s integration with Bing allows for more intuitive and streamlined access to information, saving users time and effort. 3. Increased Reliability of AI Responses: Real-time search capabilities mean users can receive more trustworthy answers, grounded in the latest available information, making ChatGPT a more reliable source compared to AI that only references historical data. The Future of AI and SEO: How to Respond? As AI-driven search systems continue to evolve, SEO strategies will likely shift to align with these changes—and that shift may have already begun. In this new era, content creators and marketers will need to focus on delivering structured, clear information that AI can easily analyze. Additionally, SEO strategies centered on improving the user experience will become essential. How can you ensure visibility in ChatGPT? Though limited, by reviewing ChatGPT’s official documentation for AI-focused SEO efforts, you can confirm at least the minimum requirements to prepare your site for visibility. Configuring the OAI-SearchBot Crawler Use the `robots.txt` file to manage OAI-SearchBot’s access to your website. You can control your site’s exposure in ChatGPT’s indexing process through `robots.txt` configurations. Refer to the example below: User-agent: OAI-SearchBot Disallow: / User-agent: OAI-SearchBot Allow: / Ensure Accurate and Up-to-Date Information ChatGPT’s index prioritizes the latest information. Regularly check for any 404 error pages or paywalled content, as these may hinder visibility in ChatGPT’s search results. Clear Content Structure and Keyword Optimization Use **common search terms** with straightforward language and a clear question-and-answer format. When selecting keywords, avoid overly technical terms; using simple, everyday language makes content more searchable. Leverage Location-Based Search Features ChatGPT incorporates interactive mapping and location-based search to deliver region-specific responses. Including accurate regional data and using local keywords can strengthen your SEO strategy. Maintain Bing Indexing Since ChatGPT integrates with Bing, it’s important to manage indexing not only on Google but also on Bing. Use Bing Webmaster Tools to monitor and optimize your site’s indexing status. Adapting Content Strategy In AI systems like ChatGPT, providing detailed content is essential, but concise, question-and-answer formats are also beneficial to make information easy to understand in AI-driven responses. Adapting to the AI Environment Have you tried using ChatGPT since its Bing integration? Applying AI to your daily life, business planning, and site management—especially in marketing and operations—has likely led to many shifts. Leave feedback on which sections of this article were helpful or if you have suggestions for improvement!

Meta Ads Manager AI Update: Key Features and Applications

Meta has recently unveiled an update emphasizing AI-driven features to maximize the efficiency of ad operations. Building on the existing Advantage tools, Meta continues to harness AI for ad optimization, with this update focusing on enhancing the efficiency of ad creation and management. One of the most notable improvements is the integration of AI technology into image editing, making ad material adjustments significantly more accessible. In this article, we’ll explore three newly introduced features, comparing them with the previous Ads Manager capabilities, and provide an in-depth analysis of these updates. 1. AI-Based Background and Image Modifications This feature allows AI to automatically alter the background or edit the overall look of ad images. Use Cases: Adjust the background color or ambiance to align with your brand theme. Replace a product’s background with a more sophisticated setting for a polished look. Benefits: Create professional-quality ad visuals without advanced design skills. Quickly generate multiple banner drafts for A/B testing. Best results can be achieved when the image focuses prominently on a single product. 2. Automatic Logo Insertion This feature enables the automated placement of logos on images. Use Cases: Position your brand logo in a corner to highlight brand identity. AI adjusts the logo’s placement and size for optimal proportions. Benefits: Reinforce your brand image effortlessly and consistently. Apply logos uniformly across various ads. For best results, use logos with transparent backgrounds and position them in corners or along the top/middle/bottom edges of the image. 3. Text Overlay Tool AI now allows users to overlay previously generated text directly onto ad images. Use Cases: Add product names, promotional messages, or discount details as text on images. AI optimizes the text's size, color, and placement for visual appeal. Benefits: Insert eye-catching ad copy with ease. Quickly test messages tailored to target audiences. This feature is practical for adding text over plain black or white backgrounds, focusing on convenience rather than intricate design. Comparison: Old vs. New Ads Manager Feature Previous Manager Post-Update Image Editing Basic uploads and size adjustments only AI-powered background and image edits Logo Placement Manual insertion and design required Automated logo insertion Text Overlay External tools needed for text addition AI-driven text addition and arrangement Tips for Leveraging the Update Optimize Ad Testing:  Use the background modification feature to quickly generate various ad drafts for A/B testing. Enhance Brand Recognition:  With the logo insertion feature, clearly showcase your brand across all ads without additional editing. Deliver Clear Messages Efficiently:  Use the text overlay tool to convey concise and impactful messages without the need for external editing. Important Notes These AI features are exclusive to image ads and do not yet support video ads, so plan accordingly. While AI optimizes the results for ads, manual review is essential to ensure quality. Final Thoughts This Meta Ads Manager update leverages AI to enhance the efficiency and diversity of ad creation. Although the changes may seem incremental compared to the rapid evolution of AI, they represent a positive shift, enabling advertisers to work faster and more flexibly. What would you like to try with these new AI features? Share your thoughts in the comments!

SEO, AEO, and GEO: The Evolving Landscape of Digital Marketing Optimization

Digital Marketing (SEO, GEO, AEO) In digital marketing, SEO (Search Engine Optimization)  has long been the cornerstone of optimization strategies. However, with the advancement of AI technology, more sophisticated optimization methods like AEO (Answer Engine Optimization)  and GEO (Generative Engine Optimization)  have emerged. This article provides a clear breakdown of SEO, AEO, and GEO , their differences, and how they shape the future of content optimization. 1. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Definition: A strategy focused on improving webpage rankings in search engines. Objective To increase website visibility on search engines like Google  and Bing , driving higher click-through rates and traffic. Key Activities Keyword research Meta tag optimization (title, description) Link building (internal & external links) Mobile & page speed optimization User experience (UX) improvement 📌 Source: SEO Beginner’s Guide 2. AEO (Answer Engine Optimization) Definition: A strategy that optimizes content to appear as the best answer in AI-driven voice search and answer engines. Objective To ensure that AI-powered systems pull answers from your site when responding to user queries. Key Activities Using structured data (Schema Markup) Creating question-based content ( e.g., “What is...?” “How to...?” ) Writing concise and clear answers Enhancing FAQ sections 📌 Source: The Future of SEO is Answer Engine Optimization (AEO) 3. GEO (Generative Engine Optimization) Definition: A strategy that optimizes content for AI-generated responses in tools like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Copilot. Objective To ensure that AI-generated content includes and references your brand or website. Key Activities Providing high-quality, trustworthy data for AI training Creating AI-friendly content (concise, well-structured, and contextually relevant) Understanding AI model behavior and participating in training processes Enhancing brand mentions and citing sources clearly 📌 Source: GEO: Generative Engine Optimization Comparison: SEO vs. AEO vs. GEO Category SEO AEO GEO Optimization Target Search engines Search engines + Answer AI tools Search engines + Generative AI tools Focus Areas Keywords, meta tags, UX Concise answers, structured data Providing reliable content for AI Target Platforms Google, Bing, etc. ChatGPT, Gemini, Copilot, etc. ChatGPT, Gemini, Copilot, etc. Primary Users People searching for information Users looking for direct answers AI-assisted content creators Conclusion The key difference among SEO, AEO, and GEO  lies in their AI-driven approach : SEO  (Search Engine Optimization): Optimizes for traditional search engine visibility. AEO  (Answer Engine Optimization): Focuses on AI-driven answer engines  to provide the best response. GEO  (Generative Engine Optimization): Ensures AI-generated content includes and promotes  your brand. In essence, SEO is about ranking in searches, AEO is about AI-powered answer visibility, and GEO is about optimizing for AI-generated content. Share your thoughts or questions in the comme nts! 😊

Understanding of Google, Bing … SEO tools

SEO is a key element of digital marketing, and many people are exploring various technical strategies to enhance their website's visibility. However, during the process of trying out different tools and strategies, there is often a lack of validation regarding how effectively these tools track data. I have faced this issue myself. This led me to realize the necessity of clearly understanding the scope and characteristics of each tool. Therefore, I decided to conduct this test and share the results through my blog. Why is Effective Tracking of SEO Tools Important? SEO tools are essential not only for improving search rankings but also for accurately measuring and analyzing a website's performance. The success of search engine optimization ultimately depends on data analysis. Thus, understanding the tracking capabilities offered by each tool is a crucial first step in establishing an effective SEO strategy. Feel free to adjust any part to better fit your style or focus! Test Link Test SEO tools Google Search Console Bing webmaster Naver Search Advisor Test Progress Setting the Context: To verify whether each SEO tool correctly accesses the website and recognizes data, I set up various scenarios and conducted tests. User Management: To ensure clear user management for the test page, I used each tool to submit indexing requests. To limit additional user visits, I did not create separate posts or perform any extra tasks. Step-by-Step Testing: For precise tracking, I focused on testing one method at a time each day. This approach allowed for a more accurate comparison of each tool's performance. Progress **Search by Google ** How we test Date : 23/OCT Test Way : Try to click 5 times (Using the search operator "site:") Using "Chrome" To prevent immediate abandonment, keep the website for less than 5 seconds and trigger an event **Search by Naver** How we test Date : 16/OCT Test Way : Try to click 5 times (Using the search operator "site:") Using "Chrome" To prevent immediate abandonment, keep the website for less than 5 seconds and trigger an event Due to a mistake, 1 out of 5 times of refreshing, 1 time of entering URL in Chrome address bar and accessing by inputting it once **Search by Bing** I completed the index request and url submission, but it is not indexed or displayed in search on Bing. **Access from Instagram** Determine whether SEO tools are used based on homepage access through the URL registered on Instagram How we test Date : 17/OCT Test Way : Try to click 5 times (Reflecting the characteristics of Instagram, access is mainly through mobile devices) Enter through the official Instagram account URL → Exit the page again and move To prevent immediate abandonment, keep the website for less than 5 seconds and trigger an event Unable to recognize URL in post or comment Accessed 4 times via mobile, it was confirmed that it was entered via built-in browser Proceeded once via PC (moved to browser chrome) and went to the link below( ) **Access from Messenger(Kakaotalk)** When you click on a URL shared via KakaoTalk Messenger How we test Date : 22/OCT Test Way : Try to click 5 times (Mobile access reflecting messenger features) A total of 5 times via mobile (it was confirmed that accessing the content would lead to the built-in browser) To prevent immediate abandonment, keep the website for less than 5 seconds and trigger an event **Access from LinkedIn** Get a count of clicks on links entered via LinkedIn comments How we test Date : 18/OCT Test Way : Try to click 5 times (Using the search operator "site:") Using "Chrome" To prevent immediate abandonment, keep the website for less than 5 seconds and trigger an event To prevent unnecessary traffic, the link will be deleted immediately. **Access from Email(KaKao Mail)** Check the number of times a link is sent via email How we test Date : 21/OCT Test Way : Try to click 5 times (Using the search operator "site:") Using "Chrome" To prevent immediate abandonment, keep the website for less than 5 seconds and trigger an event Conclusion Google Search Console Bing Webmaster Naver Advisor During the testing period, data was recorded in Google Search Console only on October 23rd. On that day, there were a total of 5 visits through Google search, which were logged in a way that counted multiple visits from the same user as separate entries. This made it challenging to accurately gauge the number of unique user visits. During the testing period, no data was recorded in Bing Webmaster Tools. I checked the indexing status through actual search operators, but no results appeared. This suggests that it may require more time and effort compared to other search engines, highlighting the necessity of active users and content engagement. On October 16th, traffic was recorded in Naver Advisor during the entire testing period. On this day, I made a total of 5 attempts, but only 1 was successfully logged. This suggests that when using the same computer and browser, visits are likely tracked on a per-user basis. Based on the results, here’s the translated content for your blog post: From these results, it became clear that the free SEO tools provided by each search engine can only accurately capture metrics generated within that specific search engine. This test reinforced my belief that utilizing a variety of popular SEO tools operating in different environments is essential, rather than relying on just one tool. It is particularly important to remember that Google’s SEO tools are based on clicks rather than user counts, which means the actual number of users may be lower than reported. On the other hand, Naver's SEO tools appeared to provide a clearer understanding of user counts. Even considering potential data loss, the figures shown by this tool can be predicted based on users visiting through Naver search, which I believe can significantly aid in SEO efforts. Finally, if there are many visitors coming from various platforms or if traffic fluctuates, it may be challenging to obtain clear metrics. In such cases, it became evident that analyzing diverse visitor data through UTM parameters via social media or email is essential. Feel free to adjust any parts to better fit your style or focus!

Google SEO Algorithm Summary

#Google #Google SEO #SEO #leaked #Algorithm #Google Algorithm

[SIMPLE] AI와 SEO의 상관관계: AI가 SEO에 미치는 영향은?

AI로 변화하는 검색 방식 AI는 사용자가 정보를 찾는 방식을 단순화하고 가속화하여, 이제 더 이상 정확한 키워드가 필요하지 않습니다. 사용자는 일상처럼 그대로 질문할 수 있고, AI는 빠르고 관련성 높은 답변을 제공해 여러 검색 결과를 일일이 살펴볼 필요를 줄여주고 있습니다. 입장별 새로운 변화 이러한 변화는 사용자 입장에서는 간편성을 바탕으로 편리성을 제공하며 더 높은 효율을 제공하고 있습니다. 하지만 웹사이트 운영자에게는 반대로 새로운 변화와 준비가 필요해 졌습니다. 이전 키워드를 통해 검색하고 탐색하는 과정을 AI가 대신하면서 자연스럽게 웹사이트 운영자 입장에서는 자신의 웹사이트를 노출할 수 있는 기회를 잃어 버렸기 때문입니다. Bing과 ChatGPT: 실시간 데이터 접근 특히 chatGPT의 경우 Microsoft의 Bing과 통합되어 최신 데이터에 기반한 답변을 제공하기 시작하였습니다. 이는 이전에 학습된 데이터만 공유했던 한계를 넘어 실시간 데이터를 가져오는 동시에 응답의 정확성과 관련성이 향상 되었음을 알 수 있습니다. 그리고 이러한 변화는 웹사이트 운영자에게는 필수적으로 AI를 통한 노출을 만들어내기 위한 최적화 작업이 필요하다는 의미가 되기도 합니다. AI와 SEO의 미래: 어떻게 대응할 것인가? AI 기반 검색에서 콘텐츠를 최적화 하기 위해서는 아래와 같은 항목이 필요합니다. robots.txt   파일을 사용해  ChatGPT의 크롤러 접근을 관리하세요. User-agent: OAI-SearchBot Disallow: / User-agent: OAI-SearchBot Allow: / 최신 콘텐츠를 유지하고 오류를 감시하세요. 질문과 답변 형식으로 명확하고 사용자 친화적인 언어를 사용하세요. Bing 인덱싱에 최적화하세요. ChatGPT가 정보를 제공할 때 Bing을 참조하기 때문입니다. AI 검색이 계속해서 진화함에 따라, 구조화되고 명확한 콘텐츠와 사용자 경험을 중시하는 것이 효과적인 SEO를 위해 필수적입니다. 자세한 내용을 알고 싶으신가요? 아래 링크를 클릭하여 확인해 보시기 바랍니다.

Meta(Facebook) Test C: Don’t believe A/B Test

*Please proceed with the optimization of advertisements based on data. As for the ad format, the ‘ Collection’ is excellent again from Traffic Campaign Inverted results from A/B test  and advertising results The effects of advertising materials are generally similar to performance exposure [Test A, Test B Results] Ad Settings Ad (material, format) setting 1. (Plan A) Traffic campaign_Ad format 4 (image, video, slide, collection) 2. (Plan B) Traffic campaign_Ad format 1 (collection) Ad running period (May 21, 2024 ~ May 30, 2024) Setting cost: 15RM Exposure location: Advantage+Location Text 1. 😍Find an online advertising agency quickly! 2. ❤️Find a marketing agency quickly! 3. 🎶Find a marketing agency quickly! 4. 🗣Find a global marketing agency quickly! 5. 😁Find an advertising agency quickly! Ad material Image Video Slide (created using image) Collection (set main as video, next as image) [A/B Test Result] Goal Version Performance Cost per Result Result Reach Exposure Expenditure Confidence Level Traffic (A) 2024-05-07| Traffic | 4 ads Lose 1.47 29 945 1,799 42.70 MYR 13% Traffic (B) 2024-05-06| Traffic | 1 ads Win 0.80 64 1,083 2,065 51.06 MYR 87% *The above graph is a figure obtained using the Meta (Facebook) A/B test function. A confidence level of 90% or more means statistically reliable results, and a confidence level of 65% or more means good performance. The above figure is an estimate and does not guarantee the causative result of the study. Results: 87% reliability and better for '4 advertising materials' [Comparison of previous A/B test results ] Goal Version Performance Cost per Result Result Reach Exposure Expenditure Confidence Level Traffic (A) 2024-05-07| Traffic | 4 ads Win 1.22 219 125000 18344 267.02 MYR 86% Traffic (B) 2024-05-06| Traffic | 1 ads Lose 1.7 94 107000 20058 159.86 MYR 14% Goal Version Performance Cost per Result Result Reach Exposure Expenditure Confidence Level Traffic (A) 2024-05-16| Traffic | 4 ads Win 0.81 119 2,489 4,733 96.68 MYR 86% Traffic (B) 2024-05-16| Traffic | 1 ads Lose 1.14 74 1,828 3,726 84.72 MYR 14% Goal Version Performance Cost per Result Result Reach Exposure Expenditure Confidence Level Traffic (A) 2024-05-16| Traffic | 4 ads Lose 1.47 29 945 1,799 42.70 MYR 13% Traffic (B) 2024-05-16| Traffic | 1 ads Win 0.80 64 1,083 2,065 51.06 MYR 87% Results Previous tests showed that using 4 ad creatives led to better results, while in this test, using 1 ad creative led to better results. The cost per win difference  between Test B and C is only 0.01. The cost per win for the winning items in Test A was 126 won higher than in the optimized Tests B and C. Test B had a confidence level of 86% , while Test C had a confidence level of 87% . In Test A, the CPC decreased to 0.90 in the CPC  results from April 27th to May 9th, after the A/B test period and optimization. [Comparison of Ad Sets] Ad Set Exposure Reach Link Clicks Clicks (Total) Result CTR CPC CPM (Plan A) 4 Ad Materials 33,553 16,695 658 655 658 1.95% RM1.04 RM20.35 (Plan B) 1 Ad Material 20,473 12,820 97 123 97 0.60% RM1.34 RM8.03 Ad Set Exposure Reach Link Clicks Clicks (Total) Result CTR CPC CPM (Plan A) 4 Ad Materials 4,743 2,496 119 118 119 2.49% RM0.82 RM20.39 (Plan B) 1 Ad Material 3,727 1,829 74 72 74 1.93% RM1.18 RM22.74 Ad Set Exposure Reach Link Clicks Clicks (Total) Result CTR CPC CPM (Plan A) 4 Ad Materials 4,821 2,461 93 93 93 1.93% RM1.11 RM21.34 (Plan B) 1 Ad Material 4,634 2,235 120 118 120 2.55% RM0.86 RM21.84 Results The highest collection performance CPR for 'Test C' was 2.72% in B, and 2.55% in C test The Plan B (1 ad creative) of 'Test C' had a 0.62% higher CTR compared to the Plan A (4 ad creatives)  / The difference was minimal with a 0.01% decrease from the previous 'Test B campaign' CTR The Plan B (1 ad creative) of 'Test C' was 75 won cheaper in CPC compared to the Plan A   (4 ad creatives) / The difference was minimal with a 3 won increase from the previous ad set While there was no significant difference in CTR, the 'Test A', 'Test B', and 'Test C'  all showed that the 'A Plan with 4 ad creatives' had the highest impressions, indicating that the 'number of ad creatives' seems to influence the impression volume Impression volume ratio by test Test A: Plan A (62%) / Plan B (37%) - Spending around 254,100 won Test B: Plan A (56%) / Plan B (44%) - Spending around 54,438 won Test C: Plan A (49%) / Plan B (51%) - Spending around 61,227 won [Ad Comparison] Ad Format Exposure Reach Link Clicks Clicks (Total) Result CTR CPC CPM Video 45 45 - - - - - RM25.78 Collection 4,466 2,113 93 93 93 2.08% RM1.06 RM98.88 Slide 310 303 - - - - - RM9.23 Image - - - - - - - - Ad Format Exposure Reach Link Clicks Clicks (Total) Result CTR CPC CPM Image 4,634 2,235 120 118 120 2.55% RM0.86 RM21.84 Results In the case of 'Plan A (4 ad creatives)',  it is possible to confirm the part that was focused on and exposed to a specific ad (collection). Looking at 'Plan A (4 ad creatives)', 'video', 'collection', and 'slide' were all exposed, but the results only occurred in the 'collection'. Comparing 'Plan A (4 ad creatives)' and 'Plan B (1 ad creative)', although they have the same 'collection', the CTR is about 0.47 and the CPC is about 60 won different / the previous values (CTR 0.79, CPC 108 won difference) occurred. In all the test results, the 'collection' was significantly superior in all cases. Both 'Test B, C' had similar exposure values for both the excellent ad set and the non-excellent ad set. In 'Test B ad creative 4 (Plan A)', the CTR is 2.72%, and the CPC is RM0.82. In 'Test B ad creative 1 (Plan B)', the CTR is 1.93% and the CPC is RM1.18. In 'Test C ad creative 4 (Plan A)', the CTR is 2.08% and the CPC is RM1.06. In 'Test C ad creative 1 (Plan B)', the CTR is 2.55% and the CPC is RM0.86. [Uniqueness by Text] 💡 Text-analyzed video, low or low result data in image advertising format, impossible to measure (Image performance: click x, video performance: click 1) [Exposure Location] Test B (Collection) Exposure Reach Outocme CTR CPC CPM Audience Network (Native, Banner and Full screen)_Plan A 3,456 1,599 99 2.84% RM0.83 RM23.45 Audience Network (Rewarded Video)_Plan A 610 325 13 2.13% RM0.74 RM15.77 Audience Network (Native, Banner and Full screen)_Plan B 2,925 1,481 66 2.19% RM1.13 RM24.63 Audience Network (Rewarded Video)_Plan B 732 363 8 1.09% RM1.47 RM16.05 Test C (Collection) Exposure Reach Outocme CTR CPC CPM Audience Network (Native, Banner and Full screen)_Plan A 3,570 1,798 86 2.41% RM1.02 RM24.67 Audience Network (Rewarded Video)_Plan A 883 362 7 0.79% RM1.53 RM12.10 Audience Network (Native, Banner and Full screen)_Plan B 3,776 1,914 110 2.86% RM0.83 RM23.83 Audience Network (Rewarded Video)_Plan B 845 365 10 1.18% RM1.09 RM12.95 Results In all test results, the ‘Audience Network (Native, Banner and Full screen)’, ‘Audience Network (Rewarded Video)’ placement highest exposure. In all test results, the 'Audience Network (Rewarded Video)' placement showed negligible results compared to the exposure.

Don't Run Meta(Instagram, Meta) Ads If You Don't Know This!

We've discovered some fascinating insights and data shifts while running an ad campaign for a free seminar on optimizing Instagram grids. If you're managing Meta ads, you must read this! 🔹 Campaign Overview 📅 Ad Run Period: February 3 – February 6 📌 Campaign Name: 250130_Traffic_Instagram-optimize-feed Ad Set Details: 🔹 EN_Instagram-optimize-feed (English) *Target Location: Dubai (UAE) *Dynamic Creative: ON *Ad Format: 2 Video Ads 🔹 KR_Instagram-optimize-feed (Korean) *Target Location: South Korea *Dynamic Creative: ON *Ad Format: 2 Video Ads 🎯 Ad Goal: Recruiting participants for a free Instagram feed optimization seminar. 🚨 Landing Page Issue: The landing page was not indexed on Google, making it difficult to access through organic search. Google Indexing situation 🔹 Ad Performance Analysis 1️⃣ Performance Differences by Country Despite using the same budget and setup, there was a significant performance gap between countries. Meta(Facebook, Instagram) Marketing Performace 📊 Meta (Facebook & Instagram) Ad Results: Ad Set Name Country Conversions KR_Instagram-optimize-feed 🇰🇷 South Korea 18 EN_Instagram-optimize-feed 🇦🇪 Dubai 73 📌 Analysis: 4x higher conversion rate in Dubai compared to South Korea. (The gap continues to widen over time.) Differences in competition, ad optimization algorithms, and target market(Country) characteristics affect campaign performance. Budget allocation must consider country-specific performance differences in Meta ads. 2️⃣ GA4 Data Discrepancies for Meta Ads Page view from GA4 based on UTM 📉 Issue: Traffic from Meta ads was not accurately recorded in GA4(Google Analytics 4) 📌 Meta landing page visits: 91 but GA4 UTM-tracked visits: 9 (90% discrepancy!) 📌 Possible Cause: Since most users access Meta ads via mobile, browser and device tracking limitations may cause data loss. 3️⃣ Meta Ads Showing Incorrect Country Data Page view from GA4 by country Although the ad was only targeting Dubai (UAE) , GA4 showed a surge of traffic from the USA. *Traffic only occurs to US users until February 4th, then traffic occurs from the United Arab Emirates from February 5th 📌 Double-Checking the Issue: ✅ Ad settings confirmed the target location was correctly set to Dubai. ✅ Facebook Ads Manager reported UAE as the traffic source. ✅ GA4 real-time data was tested by deliberately generating traffic from Korea and Dubai. ✅ UTM tag analysis found that 3 out of 9 tracked users were from the USA. 🔹 Key Takeaways for Running Meta Ads 1️⃣ Consider Performance Differences by Country Even with the same budget and settings, ad effectiveness varies by country. For global campaigns, adjust budget and targeting based on each region’s characteristics. Regular monitoring & real-time adjustments are crucial for optimization. 2️⃣ GA4 Alone is Not Reliable for Meta Ad Tracking GA4 may miss or misrecord Facebook ad traffic. To get accurate data, use Facebook Events Manager and Ads Manager in addition to GA4. 3️⃣ Meta Ads May Display Incorrect Country Data The ad target location and actual traffic source may not match. Regularly track ad performance using multiple platforms, UTM tags are essential for real-time data tracking. ✅ What’s Your Experience? Have you noticed discrepancies between Meta ads and GA4 data? Or have you encountered country-specific performance differences? 💬 Share your thoughts in the comments! 😊


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While working at the company, I encountered SEO for the first time due to internal budget constraints. The initial experience was not easy, but as the content I created began to gain visibility with popular keywords over several months, I developed an interest in SEO. This led me to start studying SEO in more detail. When I first approached SEO, I thought it was primarily about content creation, title writing, and crafting descriptions. However, as I delved deeper into my studies, I learned about the true importance of SEO and became even more intrigued. This newfound interest prompted me to sign up for this lecture and even a One-on-One session.



I recently joined the marketing team and quickly realized the importance of SEO. Initially, I found keyword research and content optimization challenging, but after a few attempts, I started to see an increase in website visitors, which sparked my interest. That's why I decided to apply for this One on One session to gain deeper knowledge.


I started learning about SEO while running a small online store. At first, it felt overwhelming, but after experiencing my products being displayed in search engines, I became eager to learn more. That's why I decided to apply for this One on One session to gain insights into effective marketing strategies.


While managing the company's blog, I recognized the necessity of SEO. Initially, I thought it was just about writing content, but as the search rankings improved, I realized the importance of SEO. I decided to apply for this course to gain more information and seek personal advice during the One on One session.


While working as a freelancer, I decided to learn SEO to help increase my clients' website traffic. I started with the basics, but as I began to see results, my interest grew. I applied for the One on One session to gain deeper insights.


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